Sunday, May 15, 2011

Took A Little Break

Hello, Friends!

I took a little break (unintentionally).  After I drove back up to school for senior events and graduation, I realized I left my laptop at home! It was all packed up and tucked away.
Now that all the excitement has died down, I have a moment to catch my breath and update everybody :)

Some graduation highlights:
- Steve Ballmer (CEO of Microsoft) was my commencement speaker
- I graduated on stage with Troy Polamalu :)

Here we are, headed towards the ceremony!

Then I moved out of my sorority house and went to an Italian restaurant with my family afterward to celebrate.

I'll be using the majority of my graduation money on a new professional wardrobe and relocation expenses. Woohoo!

What would/did you spend graduation money on?



  1. Graduation is a great achievement. Well done.

  2. Congrats dude!!!

  3. Congrats, good shopping

  4. Graduation money shall all go towards a new car. I am reallllly tired of my 97 chevy lumina tank. Gas efficiency is shit and so is the turn radius.

  5. I ended up spending the money on getting my truck fixed since it broke down not to long afterwards... Have fun getting new stuff.

  6. Probably a new lens, because, what are priorities?

    congratulations! :D

  7. My sister just graduated and I was so proud, as I am of you, good luck.

  8. I didn't really get graduation money because I didn't graduate on time, but I probably would have spent it on drugs, to be honest. Sounds like you're on a much better path than I was. Thankfully all of that is behind me now and I've become something akin to a grown up, I think.

  9. Congratulations on graduating. Spend your money on what makes you happy.

  10. Aw! Congratulations!! I'm happy for ya!! :D

  11. congratulations! it's good to finally be done with school!

    I have followed your blog..Could you follow mine too please?

    Sky Stock Analysis

  12. Steve Ballmer?? Awesome! Grad money = Vegassss

  13. Congratulations! Remember to save up some of the money, big investments are great in the long run!

  14. Great post! Keep up the good work!

  15. Congrats! Buy yourself some new clothes. :)

  16. nice one :D Have a bangers night out :P

  17. Iv been a part time student for three years now and next semester I'll be a junior, if I could find a good job, Id probably take a semester or two off. Congrats on graduating!

  18. First of all congrats! Buy your self something really nice, something that means alot to you ! :)

  19. Congrats, and to your question; my grad money went to buying a nice car.

  20. Never Had an appt. One of those when they put me under for my arm surgery
