Monday, May 9, 2011

Taking My Last Final

As of 6:30 PM today, I will no longer be an undergraduate! Hello, Real World :)

Many thanks are in order:
- To my friends who have stuck with me through it all
- To my professors who have provided me with a learning experience, not just a piece of paper
- To all the crazy nights I'll (never) remember
- To still graduating despite the frequency of said nights
- To my university scholarships. Without them I wouldn't be here.
- To having a great job lined up in this economy
- And most of all... to my parents for making it all possible. For always saying, "It's not a matter IF you'll go to college, but WHERE."

In the words of Lady Gaga's newly released single: "I'm on the edge of glory and I'm hanging on a moment of truth."

Gonna go ace a final! 



  1. What do you plan on doing, going to work or going into Grad school? I graduate next semester, so I know it is exciting, but the next step is always just as crazy as the first.

  2. I just hope my finals will go as smooth... Btw, how's leg?

  3. Woohoo! Congrats girl! Just finished my freshman year of college myself =) Still a long way to go.

  4. You already have a job lined up? Lucky, it's a rare feat these days. Good Luck!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Congrats on being able to graduate. It definitely was worth it!

  7. ah, finals... so much fun... not!

  8. Congrats and I wish you well on your future!

  9. Good luck in the Real World :)

  10. Congrats and good luck man! Wonderful time for you!

    Check out my blog for latest Assassin's Creed Revelations news!

  11. Congratulations.

    Good Luck in your endevours after finals!

  12. Congrats, the real world will leave you jaded though.

  13. Congratulations! And the real world isn't so bad when you first graduate- you got a nice 6 month bubble look forward to until Sallie Mae starts calling you lol +follow

  14. Congrats! It's awesome that you could find a job before graduation. I was lucky enough to do the same but most people struggle the first year to find appropriate employment.

  15. Hope your knee is ok. following.

  16. wow this is amazing!!!! congratulations!
